Monday 10 November 2014

Setting a Target

After meeting on Friday, we decided to outline a brief overview of where we envisage this project heading. From this we can start to draft a scope of work document and divide the tasks between us.

"The way we envisage the project scope entails us taking three car brands - two luxury and one mass market, namely Land Rover, Jaguar and Ford - and comparing people's brand perception of these companies. We will compare and contrast our users' initial perceptions of the brand with their perceptions after direct experience via computer interface. 

In the case of difference, we will make suggestions as to how the user experience can be improved to match or exceed users' initial perceptions. Building on from Raida Shakiry's thesis, we will measure emotional engagement to the brands rather than just cognitive factors, such as usability. 

To measure emotional engagement, we will make use of EEG equipment in addition to more typical data gathering excerises such as questionaires and interviews, This will allow us to get data that in theory is less skewed by the biases in user response."

 From this statement the project planning can begin.

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