Wednesday 26 November 2014

[eye tracker] Test on Tobii X120 eye tracker

The weather is okay outside so I decide to reach Tobii the eye tracker located somewhere on campus.

Don't know why the door shutting me down from time to time, after some waiting and talking I finally get the access to the system.

Since I am the only one in the lab so I have to be the subject for the testing of the system, and it works well! The image above is the screenshot I made from the section that I tryout the website of Kingston University. It's a heatmap for an intuitive, easy way for the researcher to understand where the participant is looking or not.

I also learned we have to mount the special mounting board to hold the device and and extra arm for the camera to capture the eye motion on other mobile devices I metioned yesterday, we will see if we need to do the extra part of research or not.

Glad to know Tobii works well and I have some fun play with it!
You can do it, simple and easy, just don't forget to bring a flash drive with you, the exported video size is quite big!

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