Tuesday 11 November 2014

GSR related summary

  • Modern GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) or SCR (Skin Conductance Response), measures
a.electrical conductance
b.sweat-gland activity
as an indication of psychological or physiological arousal.
  • GSR has been proven that 
a.correlated with marketplace performance, can be used as a tool to predict sales performance, promise of higher predictive validity that data generated from consumer self-reports.
b.GSR readings are co-temporaneous with the presentation of the actual stimuli, they permit the precise identification of the more motivating and less motivating subelements.

  • Since the GSR has been invented and used for over 130 years, it's trustworthy.

  • GSR measurement equipment is highly sensitive and affordable.

  • GSR readings may be analysis by computer for greater scale of test.

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